our services

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our services

an overview of the core services you might access when you visit an allcove center

allcove centers welcome young people ages 12 to 25 with mild to moderate needs looking for support.

mental health

Get the support, treatment and tools you might need to take care of your mental health from professionals at our center.

physical health

including sexual health
Access safe, confidential and judgement-free medical advice and treatment from our medical professionals.

Access testing, medical information and connections to care.

substance use

Get the information or treatment you need to navigate the complexities of alcohol and substance use through counseling or peer support groups.​

peer support

Connect with peers your own age who’ve been through what you are going through and can help you make sense of it all.

family support

If you’re a family member, you can connect the young people in your life to resources and support with whatever they are facing. 

supported education and employment

education support

Get help preparing to get into college, vocational programs, school reentry and non-traditional secondary education programs.

career coaching
Connect with counselors who can support you with your job search, resume, interviews and some of the stress along the way.


quiet space
Find a quiet space to read, study, paint or journal with help around you. 
social support
If you’re experiencing housing problems, food insecurity or other challenges with basic needs, please let us know so we can connect you to the services that you need.
Join in organized gatherings such as support groups, life skills classes or recreational activities. 

quality care

Through datacove, our centralized data collection platform, our care team can access the data they need to provide quality care to young people. This platform supports collaboration and minimizes gaps with information sharing.

Do you have questions?

Learn more about who we are and what we offer by reviewing our frequently asked questions.